Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Torna a FIrenze

Torna a Firenze
 I once again went to Firenze today. On the bus ride I studied my Italian and checked my guide book for the  plans and sites of the day. Upon arrival I immediately headed to il bar for my tipico primo calazione. How can I start my day without having the worlds best cappuccino. Buono. After leaving the cafe I came across a casual acquaintance from my past. We had met several times before with the last time being more than a decade ago. He had not changed. He is a very large man who has that pensive look on his face yet he seems to be very content in his accomplishment. I would actually say a very attractive specimen. Despite his age most male models today would be envious of him. He has longish wavy hair, trim in his build yet muscular. He is poised and graceful and alert. Very alive.
He is an important individual in the world of art. In fact, I believe you may have heard of him - or if you are as fortunate as I- maybe you have met him. His name is David.
He lives in the Galleria dell'Accademia. Here is a collection of Florentine paintings etc dating from the 13th to 18th centuries. When you first walk in you come across the unfinished slaves, fighting their way out of their marble prisons.These are sculptures - part stone and part man. It is amazing to see some examples of Michelangelo's unfinished work and how they looked way before the statues were completed.
The picture posted here is a replica of the original statue of David taken outside at the Piazza della Signoria. However, this is the same spot that the original statue remained in public view until 1873 when it was moved to the GDA.  As you might suspect the museo does not allow any photography inside. A Plexiglas barrier surrounds the sculpture following an attack on it by a hammer-wielding artist who inflicted minor damage in1991. 
In 1501 Michelangelo at age 26 was commissioned to work on a left over block of marble that was ruined 40 years prior by another artist. The success with the block was so dramatic that the city showered him with honors. David is considered today by many as High Renaissance perfection.
As you look at David you begin to wonder how did Michelangelo accomplish such a materpiece out of stone? You can see every detail -veins, rib cage, bones, cartilage, fingernails, muscles, cornea along with a six pack for a stomach. Some parts of his body show strength and other parts show softness. Ladies -I'll skip what I know is on your mind. You cannot walk away from David because you become hypnotized in Michelangelo's world. Just try to leave and observe some of the other artwork and you will find yourself returning not once but several times just because you want to see that magnificent specimen/statue one last time.

Molto Bello Michelangelo with his David

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