Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hello Americ - View from my balcony

Hello America:

Once again the days have been busy. With the US holiday on Monday I had more time to check out the surrounding area. But first things first- I had to go to il supermacato to fill up la mia figorifero. The store was exceptionally clean with everything being of the highest quality. They have available clear plastic gloves which all of the customers use before handling the produce. Most all the fruits and vegetables come with stems attached to insure their freshness as long as possible. Almost like buying long stem roses.
Needless to say the dried sausage, ham and cheese areas where not to be believed. And of course I purchased my favorite veggies of all - carciofi along with melanzane.

Some of the meals here have been interesting. I have had crostini con porri. A simple dish of toasted bread with sauteed  leeks on top sprinkled with some pecorini cheese. Most people for breakfast have either pane con marmalda or brioche. I must say everywhere I go the cappuccino is the best I have ever had. The latte is perfectly swirled on top and the coffee itself is favoloso. The brioche con crema just makes you shake your head. How can it be this good!!!!! Oh how I look forward to primo colazione tutti giorni.

Cristina and Francesco continue to be adorable. Cristina is always smiling and soooo helpful.There has a sweetness and softness about her that is irresistible. She dresses more causal than Franco- wearing jeans most of the time and she is much more modern than most woman her age in Italy. Christina watches her carb intake and is careful when using cheese.  Franco has style with his wavy salt and pepper hair. An attractive thin man who usually wears corduroy pants and a classic sweater. Of course, he always has that stylish scarf wrapped around his neck like a cravat. I love the way Franco stirs his coffee and sugar together. He stands at attention and raises his elbow high with spoon in hand. He then dips the spoon in the coffee and rotates his wrist as if he were conducting una orchestra. I am blessed with having these two beautiful people as my neighbors.

Franco and I took a walk today to a nearby town. As we passed one nursery after another he explained to me that the town of Pistoia is noted for growing plants that are distributed all over Europe. Every day since my arrival their has been a heavy morning mist. As we walked you could smell the wood burning fireplaces in the air. Franco told me there is an expression for this in Italian - profumo di legno- perfume of wood. How warm and comfortable this sounds.

The banks here are also interesting, Every entrata e uscita has a glass enclosed cylinder. You push the button and one side of the cylinder door opens. You walk in and wait until the other side opens. You almost feel like you are in Startrek and that Scottie is going to beam you up at any moment. As the other side opens you enter the bank and take a number - NO we are not at the supermarket or pastry shop. Once you have your ticket you then go to a lounge area to rest as you wait for your number to be called. So there is no waiting in line like we have in the US.

In Pistoia, we explored the town, went to a beautiful church and lit some candles. I am sorry to say that even in Italy the church candles no longer exist and they are operated by battery. The town was exceptionally clean with beautiful architectural buildings. While in town I actually had an Italian woman ask me for directions - WHAT - she could not tell I was a tourist. I kindly said-  non parlo Italiana.

This week I want continue to stay around the neighborhood so I can become somewhat more comfortable speaking Italian. However, very soon - I will be taking my first ride in  " l'autobus a Firenze." This should be an experience. Stay posted.

Abbastanza per ora. E tempo di dire buona notte.

Tutto mio amore


1 comment:

  1. Hey Vin!! I am now officially a follower of the Tuscan Traveller!!! Yipee! I look forward to your next letter!! I hope all is well!!
    xoxox Love ya!
