Monday, January 24, 2011


Time for some history- Top is Brunelleschi's genius gothic work of the Duomo with the Dome in the background. Second is copy of a statue a of David at Piazza della Signoria. Here in 1497 is where the famous "bonfire of the vanities" took place.  Ah David, try wearing a raincoat like they do in NYC. Third-  This is Cellini's famous bronze Perseus holding the severed head of Medusa. I told you Medusa that heads would be rolling. Fourth is the Ponte Vecchio with some dam Italian guy in my way.  Second from the bottom is a view of this great city of Firenze taken from Piazzale Michaelangelo. And finally, here again is a Gothic design of the Church of Santa Croce. This church probably contains more skeletons of Renaissance celebrities than any other in Italy. Here lies the tombs of: Michaelangelo, Galileo Galilie, Machiavelli whose political views so influenced the Medici, Ghiberti ( the creator of the Baptistry doors), and finally a monument in honor of Italy's greatest poet Dante.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Great pictures!!! Looks like you are having an amazing time! I love coming home to find more pictures and stories!!! Keep them coming!! xoxox
