Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Agrigento- Valle dei Templi ( Valley of the Temples) are ancient Greek ruins with the Tempio della Concordia as one of the best preserved Greek temples in the world. To see its impressive structure and its towering columns alone makes this trip to the city worth while. In later years - 6th century a.d. - this structure was transformed into a Christian church.

The Temple of Juno erected sometime in 5th century b.c. has many of its Doric columns restored. In front is a sacrificial altar.
Piazza Armerina -is where you can see the most magnificent mosaics in all of western Europe. The ruins of this Roman Villa, the Villa Romana del Casale, are admired for their preservation and masterful craftsmanship. This villa is one of the largest dwellings of its kind. which is survived from the days of the Romans. Its 40 rooms are carpeted with over 120,000 sq ft of some of the greatest mosaics in western Europe. The villa's construction was at the beginning of the 4th century a.d.  Below are pictures of some of the rooms which include a long hallway as well as a bedroom.

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