Saturday, March 30, 2013


Many small towns south of Rome have a procession about  the death of Jesus Christ called the Passion Play. In Sicily, they say the best Passion Play is in Marsala. The play starts at 1pm and continues until 7pm. It begins at Sant'Anna Chiesa and proceeds throughout town in a long route which eventually winds up back where it started. In this Passion Play you not only see Jesus,  but also the other two men who carried their own crosses, the Roman soldiers, Mary Magdalene, Pontius Pilate and of course the Blessed Mother. This procession actually has several acts spoken out loud with music playing in the background for the whole 6 hours. You also see the soldiers laughing, mocking, whipping, pushing and yelling at Jesus during this procession. So, if you stand in one spot, you are able to see the play acted out as it passes you. The pictures need no explanation and as you can see it is a very humbling experience to watch.
Buona Pasqua   (Happy Easter)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter Vin!!! Looks like you are really enjoying yourself!!! Thanks for sharing your pictures!!!
