Thursday, March 31, 2011


Siena, Piazza del Campo - where the famous Palio horserace takes place every year for the last 500 years

Siena's Duomo is one of the finest Gothic cathedrals in Italy

A piazza in medievil  San Gimignanano- home of the famous white wine Vernaccia

Vista da San Gimignano

Strada di San Gimignano

Campo dei Miracoli- the Field of Miracles where the Leaning Tower, the Duomo, the Camposanto and the Baptistery are located- is one of the most dramatic and beautiful architectural complexes in Italy

 The lower four levels are leaning to the right -looking closely you can see the upper 3 levels were added on in a more upright position

Laura doing her best to keep the tower from falling

Jacqui steps in to lend a hand

A closer look at the foundation area that is sinking

Steak Tuscan Style is fit for both man and beast

Laura and Jacqui's introduction to Florence near the Ponte Vecchio

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are all having a great time!!!
