Tuesday, April 5, 2011

VENICE - At one time the world's richest city

The view from our hotel in the old section of Venice

Il Canal Grande- The Grand Canal

Ponte di Rialto -Rialto Bridge built in the mid 1500's by a man appropriately named Antonio da Ponte

Typical side canals

Piazza San Marco with its cafes and orchestra music playing everywhere

Basilica di San Marco - a combination of   Byzantine and Romanesque styles

Palazzo Ducale ( Doge's Palace). A Gothic - Renaissance fantasia of pink and white marble. Much more than a residence this was Venice's White House, Senate, torture chamber, and prison all rolled into one.

Laura hoping the gondola will give here a lift

Some palaces that were once homes along the Grand Canal

St Mark's and Doges Palace - view from the vaporetto on the Grand Canal

No cars, no bikes but I feel bad for the ladies with baby carriages

Top of the domes of St Mark's Basilica

Laura and Jacqui soaking in the sun on the Grand Canal

Just another small summer house - currently The Museum of Natural History

Venice's Grand Canal is one of the world's greatest thoroughfares with 200 palazoos born of a culture obsessed with opulence and fantasy. The palaces were built from the 12th to the 18th centuries by the cities richest families. The architectural styles along the Grand Canal are of Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque designs. Many have been converted to museums, hotels and government buildings but some are still private residences.  This is one of the most romantic cities in the world.

Monday, April 4, 2011

CINQUE TERRE (five lands all fishing villlages) -Monterosso,Vernazza,Corniglia,Manarola and Riomaggiore

One hot Italian

Two hot Italian

Monterosso- the most resort-like of the villages, with beautiful beaches, rugged cliffs and crystal clear turquoise waters.

Laura and Jacqui in cerca di pranzo - seeking lunch

Festa del Limone  - Lemon Festival

Le strade della Vernazza - the streets of Vernazza

Corniglia is the only town perched up on the rugged cliffs

Manorola- piu bella - most photogenic of the five villages

Jacqui and Laura taking the walk between Manarola and Riomaggiore known as the Via dell'Amore (Lovers Lane).

Le barche da pesca - The fishing boats of Riomaggiore

Riomaggiore- built into a river gorge thus the name which means "river major".

Pescatori arrivano dopo una lunga giornata. Cinque Terre fishermen coming in after a long day 

Cinque Terre is both charming and breathtaking. The area is made up of 5 tiny villages clinging to the cliffs along a gorgeous stretch of the Ligurian coast. The terrain is so steep that for centuries footpaths were the only way to get from place to place. The paths provide beautiful views of the rocky coast tumbling into the sea. Today these trails attract hikers from all over the world.